Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More Cullen Pictures and Goodbye Scotland

On our 2nd day in Cullen we went west along the coast, along the large sandy beach. We followed it up with Fish and chips, which were, frankly, not as good as the ones I had in southern England. I don't know if it was the fish I chose, or the fact that in the south I had been walking so many miles previous to my meal.

In the evening we were visited by the son of the owner. A very charming 14 year old, who kept coming in with the pretense of needing to make himself some tea, which he would then forget about while he entertained us with his stories. My companion and I were on our second bottle of wine when he told us about his love for Louis CK. Had we seen his show, where he acts out some of his jokes. Yes, my companion had seen it often. He told us about this one episode he thought was so funny. Yes, my companion  had seen that episode. It was so funny, he said. Then he told her about it in detail. All the while, she keeps saying, "yeah, I remember", or finishing the scene for him. But he didn't let that stop him from giving her a complete blow by blow. It was great. I love teenagers.

In the morning we saw a beautiful sunrise and caught a bus back the Edinburgh. And then left Edinburgh the following morning to return to Germany. I don't think either of us really wanted to leave, but I literally almost cried. Of course that could have been the Xanax I took for the flight back. I can't wait to go back to Scotland in the future. I didn't even try haggis!


view from the bus

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